Normally there are two and must be of different genders. The godparent(s) must be at least fourteen (14) years of age and must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Each godparent is required to submit a certificate of eligibility from his/her own parish. The certificate must state that the sponsor is a Catholic in good standing, who attends Mass regularly, and, if married, is in a valid marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. An individual married civilly by a judge, or a mayor, or divorced and remarried without an annulment is not eligible to act as a godparent.
In the absence of a second godparent, a non-Catholic Christian (never a former Catholic) may serve as a Christian witness. A copy of his/her baptismal record must be submitted beforehand.
Please help us help you. We are only able to provide you with a sponsor certificate if you are an active, registered member of our Parish, attend Mass regularly, and meet all the guidelines. Please be sure to register if you have not already done so.